Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Is Your Briefcase Not Feeling So Brief?

You know how you have been doing something for a while and you reach that point where you think nothing can surprise you anymore?  You know, you’ve been around, you’ve dealt with all types of situations and you’re the grizzled veteran.  Well, I thought I reached that point at AMS.  I quickly learned how wrong I was.  There were still plenty of strange things to see.  
One particularly dark day in my AMS career, I completely lost my mind and fired the student wing commander.  Not really a smart move on my part given that he had been in charge for only about 24 hours.  The damage was done, though, so I pressed on.  On the bright side, I compensated for my first poor decision by making another one.  After all, consistency is the key to good leadership.  Anyway, I decided to promote a really sharp female to the wing commander job.  The only problem was that she had only been in the Air Force for 12 days and wasn’t really ready.  I’m sure someone told me this but I didn’t care.  I was on a roll.  I had confidence in her and figured I could help her if she needed it.  Unfortunately, neither of us was really prepared for what one of the OCs did.
The next Monday at lunch, the wing commander approached me.  “Sir,” she said, “we have an issue we need your help with.”  “You know,” I responded, “part of being a leader is being able to think for yourself and problem solve.”  I know, I know.  I sounded like an arrogant arse.  No need to judge me.  She pressed on.  “Sir, we think we may have a sexual harassment issue,” she stated.  Whoa!  We do not say the SH words in the AF.  “What happened?” I asked.  “One of the OCs in the wing sent out an email and a lot of people said it made them feel uncomfortable,” she said as she handed me a copy of it.  It went something like this:
“Is your briefcase not feeling so brief?  Are you feeling tired? Stressed? Overburdened? Wouldn’t a quick shoulder and neck massage do wonders for your morale?  No degree or license yet…but I would be willing to trade massages for someone folding my t-shirts”
Can you say creepy?  I felt like I needed a shower just from reading it.  And, um, yeah, I’m pretty sure that’s solicitation in most states.  My first instinct was to tell her it was a great leadership opportunity for her and to just handle it.  I mean, why break my string of great decision-making?  Speaking of which, what goes through someone’s head to make them sit down and type something like that?  Do you think he thought, “Wow, this is a great offer.  People will jump at this chance”?  Or maybe, “I’m sure no one will think this is weird.  Who doesn’t love a good massage?!”  Or maybe even, “I already have these massaging oils.  I might as well use them.”  Honestly, I have no idea what he was thinking.  I just know that he is now leading other people as they defend our freedoms.  It’s no wonder I never sleep.


  1. I love how I can read all of theses post and say... Yep, I remember that day! Ah! Good times.. That is until his creepy ass turned his attention toward me! Good stuff Maj. Keep it going!

    1. Haha, remember during the 2004 class there was an instance of a freudian slip when our AMS wing king e-mailed us to "suck it"? (What he really meant was "suck it up").

  2. Rick you blog is so well written and funny! Love to read you posts. I'm going to have to introduce Dan to your blog!
