Thursday, March 22, 2012

“Guess what your son just did.”

“Guess what your son just did.”  When those were the first words out of Kim’s mouth when I answered the phone, I knew it wasn’t going to be good.  Anyone who has kids knows that phrase is never followed by “He got straight A’s” or “He just said the sweetest thing.”  Nope, he did something bad and I was about to get the blame for it.

After running through various inappropriate responses in my head such as “My son?!  Pretty sure I saw you give birth to him.  Why don’t you say our son?! “ and “Listen, woman, everyone knows he’s a clone of you.  That apple didn’t even roll when it fell from the tree.  It's much more likely it's your fault than mine.  Don’t call me up blaming me for stuff he did.  I’m not even there!” I finally settled on, “What did he do, Baby?”  At least in my mind I brought it strong.
Anyway, the story goes something like this.  Kim was working from home and taking care of our two littlest ones.  Jack was around 2½  at the time and Annika was still an infant.  So, Kim is trying to finish doing the dishes while Annika was napping on the loveseat.  When Annika started to stir, she sent Jack over to watch/entertain her.  Through no fault of his own, Jack was in over his head.  Baby girl was screaming bloody murder.  By the way, this was not unusual.  My sweet little baby girl screamed pretty much nonstop from the moment she was born until about her first birthday.  Then one day, she just stopped and decided to be happy.  Been the sweetest kid in the world ever since.  Anyway, where were we?  Okay, so Kim is turbo washing the dishes so she can go rescue both Jack and Annika. Next thing she knows, our precious, rule following, sweet talking, and loving little man let’s his sister have it.  Evidently, he doesn't take screaming too well.  He bends over at the waist with his arms spread out wide and screams, “Annika, what the hell is your problem?!” 

Kim was mortified.  She broke out the “William Jackson Kallstrom!” If you’re a kid, there’s nothing worse than hearing your whole name.  I can’t ever remember hearing mine while growing up without it being followed by “You’re grounded” or “Go to your room and wait on your dad to get home.”  But since Jack was only 2, Kim tells him that we don’t talk like that and asks where he learned that kind of language.  At this point in the story, I’m thinking, “Crap!  I hope he told her he heard it on TV.  Then I can sound self-righteous and talk about how we need to guard his innocence.” It’s always easier to blame the decaying morals of our society and the filth they put on TV.  But, alas, it wasn’t meant to be.  We had already instilled in Jack to tell the truth.  And in an epic fail of man code, Jack says “That’s what I heard Daddy say to Emily last night.”  Done. Game over.  Last thing I remember hearing after that is “Richard Everett Kallstrom, Jr!  If you corrupt my son…”